Well now....it feels like change is in the air, brothers and sisters, and I am so ready to write the next chapter in The Crazy Chronicles. The specifics of the story line are still a little fuzzy for me, but the general theme is really starting to solidify, as you'll see if you decide to read on.....
I remember sitting in a nice little bar in downtown Denver on a chilly November afternoon about a four and a half years ago, talking to a friend and enjoying a few pints, rambling on about my dream of taking some time off and going sailing (yeah, I'm talking about you, Mr. Ellington - thanks for listening to me that day and reminding me about it occasionally since then). February 1, 2009 was the timetable I set for myself, with the belief that by then I would have been able to find a boat and set aside enough cash to take off.
And now I'm close to making that goal a reality....much closer today than I was as recently as 8 days ago because I have gotten The Boat. I have pored over internet ads for boats for the last two years, checked out the online sailing and cruising forums and badgered every sailor I've come across looking for info and opinions on what kind of boat would be right for my needs. For a while I thought I needed a big boat, 38 to 42 feet, with all the goodies. For a while I thought my Irwin 25 would do the trick - the accommodations would be spartan but I'd be one with the elements!
But all along the way I've thought back to a boat that Mikki and I looked at years ago....Frayed Knot,

Two weeks ago I was doing my regular check of the Boat Trader to see if there were any new listings here in the Miami area - sometimes the new listings are 70' megayachts, sometimes they're derelict project boats, and most of the time they're the normal listings for nice boats that are just way out of my price range - when a new listing for a 1981 Endeavour 32 caught my eye. The price was right, the pictures looked good, and the boat was less than a two hour drive from Key Largo. So, I made an appointment to go see her, fell in love and bought her on the spot. Stoooopid, I know. Always make the deal conditional on getting a good survey by a professional marine surveyor and a successful sea trial, especially when you're buying an older boat like this. Ask anyone who knows about these things and they'll tell a dozen horror stories of people buying older boats and finding very expensive hidden problems later on that a survey would most likely have revealed.
But, prudence has never been my strong suit, especially when it comes to matters of personal finance or instant gratification.
I did a pretty thorough check of the boat, though. I'm no marine surveyor, of course, but I think I have a good feel for boats. The overall condition of the boat was very good, and the previous owner obviously cared about the boat and had done a good job of keeping up the ongoing and preventative maintenance. She's a stout, simple boat, well built and cared for, and being on her gives me a powerful sense of freedom and security. There are some things that need attention, and it will take a while to address of all of the odds and ends things that need to be fussed with and get through all of the equipment and systems that need repair, replacement, or upgrading before it will be safe to head out to the open sea with her. I'm planning to record the refit process here as I go, and look forward to comments and suggestions from anyone who wants to offer them. Also, for those who are interested, here's a link to an Endeavour owner's group website and a good review of the boat.
I'd still like to hit the February 1, 2009 date for heading out, but I'm willing to be a bit flexible about that. This is going to be a busy summer with the work to do on EM, the work I need to do to Reprieve, Zeke and Judy's wedding and the associated festivities and celebrations, etc. Getting her ready, getting familiar with her and her systems, and getting some experience and confidence in piloting a boat this size are more important than hitting an arbitrarily determined departure date.
And for a destination, right now I'm thinking about starting off with a cruise through the Bahamas, down through the Leeward Islands, across to Central America and Mexico, and then who knows?
So, 'nuff talking. It's show time! Here are a couple of photos of Everlasting Moon. (Click on a thumbnail and then click the "all sizes button"). Katydog and I spent a couple of hours on her today, cheking things out and taking a few snaps. Let me know what you think!
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