But, nonetheless, a great summer it was all in all, and dadgum what is that itch oh hell here it comes I do feel the urge if not the obligation to just go ahead and start running downhill arms up head back start to let it out let it go put something down record all of the glorious sailing driving kissing sweating painting singing climbing cooking eating eating eating reading sleeping stealing looks out of the corner of my eye and apples from the end of the box adventures and heroic pursuits that happened to me and for me and everyone else I saw or didn't saw at Sibbyfest or Cranberry Lake or Vineyfig, Sunnyside, the doublwide or up in heaven on the bay and everyone up on the big rock candy mountain because the whole idea of this twisted blogation is to get it out there today right now damn hell what anyone thinks or even says about what I've done or what I've got to say or how I'm doing or saying any of it because it's not a matter of life or death and goddammit ain't nobody gonna starve or cry or have to stay out in the freezin' rain whether I do or don't bang this gibberish out or if I get divine inspiration from the Lord or the Muse or the youtube or wherever the angels speak from nowdays and stumble my way into saying something profound or crazy or both and bring love and joy to the Youth of Today that're all just out there right now, by Dog, you've seen'em I can tell by the look in you eye at this very moment, look around they're all searching for help and hope and happiness and if they don't wanna go to school tomorrow well then damn their hides bless their souls pass'em the biscuits and gravy and let's all of us just let them and us, yes US, all of us every last one just fall on into the old wooooooo-saaaahhhhhhhh and let it go let it go let it go, amen, ok?
That feels better.
Gotta run.

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