She was just gone when I got there Friday night, disappeared without a trace. There were three others still there that have been there all along. I loved that little dinghy. She was too small, too prone to getting punctured by the sharp rocks at the landing, and would absolutely refuse to track in a straight line when I was rowing her, but.......she was my first, and we had some fun and excitement together. I'll never forget the sight of her following us out of Angelfish Creek and into the Atlantic back in June....we were running for our lives from that evil squall, her painter grabbed hard to Reprieve's stern cleat, and every time I thought she was about to be swamped by the following waves she'd bounce right up and perch herself there on top of the wave. In my mind's eye I see her now, picture her like a little puppy, running hard, tennis ball in her mouth, trying to catch up.
So.....goddam scurvy dog pirates. Oughta feed 'em to the sharks or tourists if we find out who they are. One time before I had arrived at the landing to find her gone, but that just turned out to be kids staying at the motel next door had tried paddling around but gave up, apparently, and left her beached at a house down the way. I've asked around but nobody's seen her or has any idea who might have taken her.
I've been scouting Craig's list and the classifieds and the tackboards at the grocery store and bait shops to see if I can find another one, but no luck so far. If anyone out there in south Florida has a little dinghy friend that needs a good home, let me know, OK?