And, of course, we got it at the last possible minute before not having it would have been a huge problem. The state hospital licensing folks are coming tomorrow morning (yeah, that's right, tomorrow 8 a.m.) for the last of the pre-occupancy inspections, and their mission is to make sure that there are sheets on the beds, pills in the drawers, supplies in the cabinets, etc. and that the hospital is all set up to be able to treat patients the minute the inspection is over. And, of course, having documentation from the City that the building is fit for habitation is one of the first items on their list of things to check. So, there I was, sitting at the building department at 4:29 p.m. this afternoon going over a computer printout with the chief building official showing where we stand with inspections and open permits one last time to make sure we had gotten all of the i's dotted and t's crossed. The office closes at 4:30 sharp, one of the few things down in this part of the world that does happen on a rigidly observed schedule. I saw the official glance at his watch a couple of times as he sifted through the stack of paper in front of him. An administrator came in and reminded him that it was time to close up and she was taking off. For a minute I flashed to a scene from some cheap action flick where the battered hero is struggling to defuse the bomb as the timer ticks down toward zero.....
But we all know how those stories end, and that I am no hero. We did get the piece of paper we needed, though. Today. In hand in time for tomorrow's last final inspection. Dadgum I wish I could bottle this feeling and sell it cause Coca Cola ain't got nothin' on this.
I've gotta scoot now. Time for bed and hopefully some rest tonight. Buenos noches mis amigos, y sueƱos felices.

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