Sunday, November 12, 2006

And in other news....

Hey friends. Tomorrow begins another week of fun and excitement at work. Another peer review - three days of intense scrutiny of everything we're doing and how we're doing it - starting Monday afternoon. A state inspection Monday. A come to Jesus Monday with one of the major subs that's being a major dumbass. And the bosses are all here Tuesday for an executive summit to go over ISSUES. At least what issues there are perceived to be at the executive level. Owner, Architect, Contractor meeting Wednesday. PM, sub, and staff meetings Thursday, and the bi-weekly schedule update and review meeting is Friday. Oh, and we've got a job to run. Nice!

I spent a lot of my weekend at the jobsite doing paperwork and missed getting to Selma for Zeke's birthday and the "Living the Dream 2006" nonviolence orientation and march across the Edmund Pettus bridge. I have got to work on rearranging my priorities.

I went out with Susie Friday night, which was really cool.

I spent Saturday night on the boat, and dreamed about bigdogs, blue skies, and brown eyes.

Looking up at the stars through the companionway hatch Saturday night I wondered when I forgot the sweet pain of waiting for a phone call.

I made cuban coffee, cafecito, Sunday morning, and for the first time in my kitchen it came out really close to the real thing. I sipped it in the backyard in the company of a family of what I think were indigo buntings.

A few minutes after midnight on Friday I sat on the front steps, picking out a tune on the guitar and thinking about how lucky I am to be here.

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