I did get to drive Ruby to work today, so the day wasn't a total waste. I went the long way around using Card Sound Road instead of going up the Stretch, and damn what a beautiful drive. The weather is absolutely sparkling here this time of year, and today was the best of the best. Sunny, with literally not a cloud in the sky until after noon, gentle breeze, no humidity and virtually infinite visiblity. It took every bit of willpower I had to stop at work and not just continue putt-putting along enjoying the day.

Every time I drive Card Sound I think of "Native Tongue" by Carl Hiassen, and look out for flying mice.
So speaking of that kind of thing, I wonder how much my current funk could be related to reading Hiassen and John D. MacDonald? I've read several of their books in the last few months, and I think I may be identifying myself with their villians more so than the heroes. They both weave a strong contempt into their stories for the folks pillaging Florida's natural beauty with bulldozers, and their heroes always seem to careen across the state knee deep in lusty adventures while thwarting the environmental rapists. My job, however, is broke out with bulldozers, dumptrucks, cranes, concrete mixers and such. I haven't thwarted anybody or anything in decades. Don't even get me started on lusty adventures, either. Goddam drought as far as that goes. Do me good to get a dadgum blue tongued mango vole come flyin' through the window for a change. What are the odds....?
I'll work on that tomorrow - right now I've got to go check on the ham I threw in the oven when I got home and get the cornbread started.
Oh yeah, before I go - anybody who's looking for more fine editorial commentary on this most recent and definitely most glorious Iron Bowl should take Joe Bob's advice and check this out.
Eat a peach for peace.....
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