Thursday, June 21, 2012

Home stretch.....

I caught this shot of the building on the way home yesterday. We're getting close to being finished!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

The Best Sailing Documentary Ever

I got up this morning with every intention of going to work, but as is my routine on Saturday mornings I took a few minutes to surf the net with my coffee before hopping in the shower to get tready to go, and after checking the news and weather I went to my favorite sailing discussion forum to see what I could learn. In and amongst the threads about freeing up frozen seacocks and why one anchor is better than another I ran across this video made by a group of adventurous kids that bought and fixed up a derelict old boat and set sail for the islands. Once I started watching I couldn't is inspiring, wise, scary, sad, sobering, and very funny in turns. Just likereal life.

Be warned that there is some adult language here that you might not want the kids to hear.

That being said, I highly recommend watching it, and suggest you get comfortable when it starts!