Hey kids....long time no post, I know, but in my defense it is summer, after all, and I've been busy and lord knows this blog ain't never been known for the regularity of its updates. So, all that being said, what a summer it's been!
First there was the trip with Dad and Judy on the new boat

,then the annual Spellman retreat at Niobrara where, in addition to the great conversation, cold beverages, good food, and tranquil scenerey, thanks in great measure to Connie and Rick's extreme grace and tolerant natures I got the opportunity to nurture my inner child for a couple of days playing with Ms. Teagan and running around and cruising the dirt roads on the scooter with Roan and cousin Max (you guys ROCK!)

Next came a chance to hook up with Jim 'n Deb while they had a long layover at MIA on their way back home from vacationing in Peru (thanks for the stories and the salsa tamarindo!), and then a couple of days swimming, sailing, eating, running, and riding bikes with Roan and Pat when they came down to the Crazy Cave.

And to top it all off I was able to play hooky from work last Monday and go play in the rain and ride out trop storm Fay on the boat with a friend.
All of this is very cool stuff for an old knucklehead, brothers and sisters, very cool stuff. Thanks to all of you for all the memories!
And.....although I didn't take many pictures of these events, I'll follow up later with a link to the Flickr site where I've uploaded a few shots.
See you next time.......