Wow.....I had dinner last night with a friend....a beautiful, warm, bright, and funny woman I've known for a while from a safe distance...and, although it took a while for the butterflies in my stomach to settle down, it was rejuvenating to have fun with someone in the kitchen again. We laughed our way through making a piccata with shrimp and scallops, and enjoyed it with a nice green salad, some roasted asparagus, a few glasses of wine, and some lively and engaging conversation.
Life is good, brothers and sisters, life is good. Carry on!
Introspective and witty prose skillfully crafted. Astute commentary on the Current Situation. Timely reflections on Art, Nature, and Fashion. Yeah Right.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
etc., etc.

It's summer time in the Keys again, boys and girls, which means that people are drunk and people are screaming.....and the crabs are on the move again....I woke up yesterday morning to two big mommas trying to get out (yes, OUT, that ain't a typo) through the sliding glass door and one trying to get in....saw several in the yard this morning, and Katy scared one out of the grass in the neighbor's yard while we were walking a little while ago.
And, in other news, Zeke recently posted some photos from the wedding and honeymoon's a's hard to capture the feel of an event like a wedding but these snapshots do a good job of telling the story.
Katy and I spent the weekend putzing around on Moon, putting in a new battery charger, swapping out one of the old bilge pumps for a new one with an automatic float switch and rigging it with a hot lead from the battery so that if the bilge fills with water it'll come on whether or not the breaker panel is turned on, and scrubbing the gel coat and polishing what turns out to be several miles of stainless tubing on the bimini frame, lifeline stanchions, stern and bow pulpits, swim ladder, etc. etc. etc. Like I said before, it's summer all of a sudden here, and between the sweat and the skinned knuckles I must have lost about ten pounds.
The marina that Moon is in now is a really Keys-ey place.....there are some pirate types that live in an asssortment of mostly derelict fishing boats on the west end of the cove, there's an underwater hotel up by the entrance, and a not-for-profit organization maintains and rents the slips in the middle to help fund their let's teach kids about marine biology program.

On the bright side, the entrance canal to the marina is very narrow, and although in places there was less than a foot to spare on either side we didn't scrape any paint of the boats along the way coming in. I can't wait to try that with a stiff crosswind!
I also spent some time refining the "to do" list for Moon today, moving the rebuild of the head to the top of the list and also adding checking out a nasty stress crack in the fiberglass around the backstay chainplate....
And, I got the guitar out and played for a while last night for the first time in a looonggg while - thanks for kickin' down the Big Daddy Love CD, bro - it's inspirational!
So, all in all, this was a fine weekend, and I'm feeling rested, ready and refreshed for another fun-filled week at work.
And speaking of the work front, it looks like I am gonna do one more project before heading out on The Trip, and it's not going to be the Nursing School project I've been sort of half-heartedly looking after for the last couple of months - we recently got the contract on a children's hospital in Orlando that should be interesting and a worthwhile way to make a living while I get Moon ready for The's a link to a brief story about the project. This is an interesting job and I'm excited about the prospects, but it'll last about four years, which is two years longer than I wanted to have to wait before heading out........
But, it's bedtime now, and there'll be plenty of time later for studying on what to do about work and boats and such. So, good night, kids, and sweet dreams.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Honeymooners
Here are a couple of pics from the trip....
Judy making a sandwich while we're sailing through the Bay...
At Crandon Marina on Key Biscayne...
It's getting late now, so I've gotta scoot, but there will be more photos and stories to follow.
Good night and fair winds, friends.
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